Wednesday 26 September 2012

Artist Research, Linda Connor: Odyssey

Linda Connor's Odyssey series explores sacred religious sites from around the world, as well as focusing on astronomical subject matter. Her Odyssey images were exhibited at the RISD museum in Rhode Island, in the catalogue she describes her images as an attempt "to point toward the unfathomable and the unutterable" Connor seeks out places and phenomena that dwarf us and I think that this is evident in her work, particularly her astronomical images. I really like the formal qualities of Connors images, she uses an 8x10 camera, she then makes contact prints from the large negatives which she fixes in gold chloride for a burnished, bronzed look.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Artist Research, Kate Steciw: Boundless Hyper

Ive always been interested in subversive artwork, anything that is critical or questioning of what is seen as normal in the way we live. I recently discovered Kate Steciw's project "boundless hyper" online and was fascinated, her three large scale digital collages which combine images from internet exploration and stock image databases. The images have been heavily manipulated into swirling abstractions more reminiscent of painting than photography. Each peace is titled with the list of search terms used to find the images used to make it. Taking mundane often polished comercial images and twisting there function in this way i think shows how overly visually stimulated we are by commercial images and questions if we have a choice to participate or not.
Kate Steciw, “Apply, Applications, Auto, Automotive, Burn, Cancer, Copper, Diameter, Fire, Flame, Frame, Metal, Mayhem, Pipe, Red, Roiling, Rolling, Safe, Safety, Solid, Strip, Tape, Trap, Trappings” (2012), 60”x44″, C-print, oak frame, mixed media.