Monday 10 December 2012


: Kate Steciw. 2012. : Kate Steciw. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 September 2012].

kate steciw - boundless hyper. 2012. kate steciw - boundless hyper. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 September 2012].

Howard Hurst. (2012). A still life of a world that is never still. [ONLINE]Available at: [Accessed September 22 2012.]

Linda Connor. 2012. Linda Connor. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 September 2012].

Linda Connor « New England Journal of Aesthetic Research. 2012. Linda Connor « New England Journal of Aesthetic Research. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 September 2012].

How a sandcastle reveals the end of all things - Wonders of the Universe - BBC Two - YouTube. 2012. How a sandcastle reveals the end of all things - Wonders of the Universe - BBC Two - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 24 October 2012].

Magazine, Daylight, 2012. Linda Connor, Daylight Magazine,9,50-53

Magazine, Photoworks, 2012. Charlotte Cotton, Photoworks Magazine, 18, 14-23

Sunday 9 December 2012


I have decided to use my last pair of night sky images as my final images, in my last tutorial i was told that they would look great done as Cibachrome prints, this is a traditional printing method which uses transparency film to make highly detailed vividly coloured prints. Unfortunately the print lab which was suggested it now turns out no longer offers Cibachrome printing services. So im not sure if it will be possible to find somewhere and have Cibachrome prints made and mounted in time for the deadline so for now i have ordered prints from photobox.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Night sky image (details)

Here is a close up view of my first night sky image. At first I thought the points of light i have circled were simply caused by scratches on the film, however after examining it carefully with a loupe im now fairly sure that they are actually small meteors burning up as they enter earths atmosphere. Also in the top/ right hand side of the image you can see a faint light trail which is from a plane flying over. I think its interesting how an image which seems to only show one thing can also contain these subtle, almost hidden elements. Especially in the case of the trail left by the plane since it is a man made object hidden in an image which feels very far removed from the man made.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Night Sky Images

Here are my night sky images from Wales. Im very happy with how they have turned out particularly the different colours of the celestial objects in the images. I think that they fit in very well with my project theme as the stars are very much subject to the effects of entropy as well as the trails they leave in the image which represent the passage of time- something intrinsically linked with entropy and referred to as the arrow of time. I like the idea that with these images i am showing not only physical objects but the the passage of time itself and in this way i hope to give people a fresh sense of perspective on the world and on themselves.

Camera: Arax 60 MLU
Film: Fuji Provia 100

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Artist research: Trevor Paglen, The Other Night Sky

Trevor Paglen's series, The Other Night sky shows images of classified American satellites in the night sky. The project uses data produced by a network of amateur satellite trackers, the images are made using a large format camera, telescopes aswell as other devices. I think this project is fascinating as it looks at the idea of secrecy and shows a hidden reality, that is the "black world" of the United States Government. Also i really like the colours vividness in the images as i think it heightens the visual impact.


Picked up my film from the lab today and it looks good! due to long exposure times i only managed to capture two images however i am confident that they will be worth it. I decided to try shooting colour transparency for this because i wanted to capture the colour variations between objects in the night sky which would not have been visible if i had used monochrome film. I am currently scanning the film so ill post the pics when im done!

Monday 3 December 2012


Had a great time photographing in wales this weekend, took the film to be developed today so pictures soon!

Last emulsion print

Hear is my final attempt at making a silver emulsion on canvas print, unfortunately the emulsion has lifted and ran probably due to to the canvas not being porous enough, due to tome constraints i have decided to print my final images digitally.