Monday 8 October 2012

Personal Project Planning

Subject matter/theme:
I have decided to base my project around something physicists call entropy, also known as the second law of thermodynamics, it explains why matter will always be much more likely to be in a disordered state rather than an ordered one. I plan on capturing representations of this through still life work, as well as outdoors.

Initial research methods and material:
I will research into my chosen area through library, journal and web based research. I plan to shoot using film, and print my images in collage. I am going to engage in studio-based work possibly alongside outdoors shoots aswell.

What, why, who, where, when and how?
This project will be medium based as I plan to produce fine art prints using photographic emulsion on canvas, I am also interested in using darkroom experimentation to further abstractify my images. Through this abstractification I plan on emphasizing the visual ambiguity of the theme I have chosen.

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