Thursday 1 November 2012

Artist Research: Taiyo Ohorato and Nico Krebs- Light of other days

I recently came across these artists and there project- light of other days, in the spring/ summer edition of photoworks journal. The images are made on 20 x 24 sheets of black and white positive paper, which is exposed directly inside the camera for at least one minute. The easiest way to describe the subject of the images is as it says in the article that they are of "curious acts and objects" The images evoke a feeling of metaphysical realities and are compared with spirit photography as well as featuring "movement and light with no earth-bound logic" I really admire the visual qualities of the images as well as there mysteriousness and ambiguity, the article also describes some of the photographs as having a "sensory undercurrent of surrealism" this is something which i have felt present in some of my previous work but until now have had trouble expressing, it is also a style i would like to continue with and employ in this project. Below I have included a photocopy of the article in which i have hilighted points of interest.

Artists website:

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