Saturday 10 November 2012

First emulsion on canvas print

Here is my first attempt at making a silver emulsion on canvas print, although i think it looks interesting its not quite what i was aiming for, i dont like how low the contrast is or how many bubbles have appeared, on the day i made it i was rushing, the darkroom was quite busy as well as the negative i was using was very thin. Next time I will:

  1. Choose a day when i will have the darkroom to myself.
  2. Plan ahead better.
  3. Leave the emulsion in the preliminary hot bath for longer to make it more liquified. 
  4. Take more care when coating the canvas with an emphasis on consistency.
  5. Apply at least 2 coats.
  6.  Use a fan to cut drying times.
  7. Use more even negatives to print from.
  8. Use a blank canvas to focus on.
  9. Make sure test strips are coated identically to the canvas.
  10. Go slower.

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